Friday 29 May 2020

Painting my whare!

On the weekend Neihana helped paint the posts of his carport and his Dad painted their front fence. Kapai mahi!

Baking at home!

Last night Neihana helped make some yummy chocolate chip muffins with his Dad. He is going to have some healthy kai in his lunchbox!

Monday 4 May 2020

Making things at home with my whanau!

Neihana rides on his scooter for fun and exercise... Neihana helps to make a gutter board with his Dad! Neihana helps to make sushi!

Home Learning: writing, reading and maths!

Neihana's home learning includes practicing numbers and counting with coloring pencils and his posters.. Working on his letter writing.. building a gutterboard with his daddy.. making homemade pizza and sushi (cheese pizza is his favourite) and loads of outside play either walking or on his scooter :)